
About PurPurLove

PurPurLove was a part of Global Game Jam 2022, hosted by Forsbergskolan. My role as a level designer was to create concepts, sketches, prototypes, and 2D environmental design. The jam period was for 48 hours.

Game concept

Save yourself by showing love to your enemies and turning them into cute friendly furballs! PurPurLove is an endless 2D topdown game where you shoot your love at cats and score points!



Spent the few first hours brainstorming and coming up with a game concept. We decided on an endless 2D top-down game in unity engine. The concept would include the global game jam 2022 theme and 4 diversifiers which were a set of rules the game must follow and implement. Started to create an early sketch based on the game concept created after brainstorming.

Brainstorming and voting on the best game concept to work with, including mechanics and diversifiers
Brainstorming and voting on the best game concept to work with, including mechanics and diversifiers
Very early sketch on how the game would function based on a brainstorming session. The early sketch includes an image of a playable area where enemies will spawn. The blue dot being the player and a big red square as a camera
Very early sketch on how the game would function based on a brainstorming session. The early sketch includes an image of a playable area where enemies will spawn. The blue dot being the player and a big red square as a camera


Low fidelity

Tasks with creating a level suitable for the endless game mode. Created two types of concepts, a sketch by screen size to easier measure the tile in 2D space and for the artists to create accurate image sizes for the game. I also put together every aspect of the game and color-coded them. To visualize how it would look and mark where certain obstacles would already be places to playtest quicker on later iteration.

Image of level composed with screen sizes. Each 16:9 would be an entire area the camera can view. Naturally, the camera is not locked so it's only for map size reference. The playable level would then consist of 9 screen sections marked with green colors. Grey colors are restricted areas but still viewable.
Image of level composed with screen sizes. Each 16:9 would be an entire area the camera can view. Naturally, the camera is not locked so it’s only for map size reference. The playable level would then consist of 9 screen sections marked with green colors. Grey colors are restricted areas but still viewable.
Name by shape and color.  Enemies would spawn on grey tiles, make their way around the obstacles and reach the player. The map being set in an abandoned park, filled with benches, bushes, and ponds as blockers.
Name by shape and color. Enemies would spawn on grey tiles, make their way around the obstacles and reach the player. The map being set in an abandoned park, filled with benches, bushes, and ponds as blockers.


High fidelity

The map is the size of the canvas on image reference, a size of 9, 16:9 screen sizes. The player is allowed to run around inside the game boundary. I also used tight spaces with secret holes underneath benches to make it more thrilling for exploration and high score chasers. The more the player stays alive the more enemies spawn in. Lastly, before game submission, I conducted two playtest feedback sessions and improved the map further by applying the insights gathered to the game level.

The final version of the map. Decorated the level based on previous map sketches.
The final version of the map. Decorated the level based on previous map sketches.
Created particle effect score visualizer and set a timer in C# to remove the particle effect prefab in 3 seconds after activation.
Created particle effect score visualizer and set a timer in C# to remove the particle effect prefab in 3 seconds after activation.



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